Month: August 2016

Book Signing at Chapters on Main, Van Buren Arkansas

Are you a Book Junkie?

  As an author, it is not a surprise that I am a book junkie. I always have room for a new book, and most of the time a new bookcase. “Books equal Love!” I believe in the power of reading. Books can take you on a trip around the world or teach you how to do anything. If you can read, you can find the answers you seek. Thus, the ravings of a book junkie!!!

A Place to Find your Fix

Chapters On MainThis week I visited a charming book store across the street from the train station in historical Van Buren, Arkansas. When you enter “Chapters on Main” you will see new books and used books, all displayed for your enjoyment. As you walk through the store, you will find a comfortable chair or two tucked in among the bookcases. In the back of the store is a coffee and tea bar with several small tables. This reminded me of an old fashion soda fountain, except it is for coffee drinkers. 

A Book Signing   

paperback&typewriterI will be at Chapters on Main on September 15th starting at 5:30 pm to sign my book “Run For Your Life!” It is always exciting to get to meet fellow book lovers and find out what they are reading. Like all of you, I have my favorite authors, but I also pray that one day I will become someone’s favorite author! If you haven’t given my book a read, come on out and pick up a signed copy.

I also have a new book, “Fight For Your Life!” coming out soon. Steve promised Leah a life full of happy-ever-after and then Jeff escapes from federal prison.  Sometimes, good people are forced to do bad things. ( My friend Lee assures me you cannot escape from a federal prison. What can I say except sorry, Lee, it’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)  Anyway, I hope you will watch for my new book and will enjoy a second visit with the Burke Family! 

You are Invited

 Come say hello!

Run for Your Life! book signing

September 15, 2016

Starting at 5:30 P.M.

Chapters on Main

816 Main Street

Van Buren, Arkansas

Happy reading, Linda

Review of “A Mother’s Conviction” By Karen Lenfestey

Trying something different

I have always loved to read and lately I have been trying new authors. These authors have multiple books to their credit, so it really isn’t fair to say they are new authors. I guess I should say they are less known authors and as a author I know how hard it is to get “known”. Maybe you would like to join me on this journey in reading I have embarked upon. 

An author worth sharing

Karen Lenfestey has several books to her credit and I like that she gave me a topic that got my attention. There are so many children in broken homes and this book gives you two perspectives. Karen writes about two sisters, separated by an automobile accident and tossed in two directions. 

What is best for the child

A Mother's Conviction - Karen LenfesteyA Mother’s Conviction takes you on a journey as you follow the lives of two sisters with different fathers. When Gola Moon crashes her car while driving drunk, someone ends up dead. Gola awakens from a coma to find herself facing a prison sentence and her daughters gone.  

Willow, the youngest, is hurt in the car accident and ends up in the foster care system. Bethany gave up her daughter when she was seventeen because she could not give her a good home. When Willow comes to her as a foster child, Beth gets a second chance to become a mother. 

Skye, the eldest, is taken from the hospital by her father who did not clear it with the authorities. His ex-wife is in a coma so she can’t take care of the girl, and if she lives she will be going to prison. Conner never feels comfortable in one place until his grandfather dies and he goes home to take care of the estate. He has been on the move, always changing jobs and names, so no one will take his daughter from him.

   Gola is going to be released from prison and wants her daughters back.  A less then perfect mother, a foster mother and a father vie for the custody of two beautiful girls, but what is best for the children? This is a great story about love with all it’s imperfections and about the effect adults have on the children in our lives. Don’t miss this one!

Happy reading, Linda

Book Review of “Ignited” by Kaylea Cross

A Canadian Author you will Love!

 Kaylea Cross is an author I have personally just discovered and highly recommend her book. I get the feeling she has done a lot of research on the U.S. special forces. While I am not an expert, I have read a lot on the subject and Miss Ross tells a very believable story. This book is fast paced, just the way I like them, and I didn’t want to put it down until I finished the last page. A lot of alpha male heroes!

Pulls you into the plot, an exciting read!

 Kaylea Cross - Ignited Khalia Patterson’s father is killed by the Taliban while trying to build a school for girls in the mountain region of Pakistan. As a teacher, Khalia knows the importance of an education, and as her father’s daughter, she takes it upon herself to finish the school that the Fair Start Foundation had begun. Hunter, an ex-Navy SEAL, is working for a private security firm and hired to get Kaylea in country for the opening of the school  and home in one piece.  Khalia meets one harrowing situation after an other with strength and courage, first gaining Hunter’s respect and then his love. In “Ignited” you go from one dangerous situation to another in a country filled with fighting and corruption. Will they escape with their lives and can two such polar opposites make a future together?

  I loved this book. It has a lot of action and you won’t want to put it down, 

Happy reading, Linda


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