Mother Nature has been on a rampage and the area along the Arkansas River where I live has been flooded. I live on a hill and was not effected, but my heart goes out to all the people whose homes were impacted. Have you ever noticed that tragedy truly brings out the best in people? We were going along with our lives when Mother Nature decided to show us that we are not in charge.

I heard one story of a man who was not going down without a fight.  He stacked sandbags around his home and purchased a pump. He wasn’t able to keep all the water at bay but he had less damage then most of his neighbors. Others had water covering their entire house! There was no way that sand bags and a pump could help these people and still the rains came. The wettest spring in the Arkansas River Valley in recorded history and the Arkansas River when it crested set another record, resulting in our town becoming an island.

Remember when I said tragedy brings out the best in people? Well along came caring neighbors, at first to fill sandbags and help those in the flood’s path remove their personal property. More people appeared with their BBQ grills to fix meals for the newly homeless. The water has finally gone down, but still the good people of this area come. They have helped muck out mud as well as carry flooring and dry wall out of the water soaked homes, dirty and sometimes dangerous work. (This area is home to several poisonous snakes!)  It wasn’t only their time they gave. the area has received donations from businesses as well as individuals, with a local television station getting into  the act and broadcasting a special telethon last night. We may get busy living our day to day lives but when the chips are down we care, with neighbor helping neighbor.

I am just one person, but I want to say “Thank You!” to all who donated their time and money.  To those who cared!

Happy reading,
