A very young Hector!

In a tree, deep in the forest, four baby owls hatched to Mother and Father Owl. From the very beginning, Hector was the most curious of the baby owls.

I sent in a story to the Oklahoma Writers Ass. contest this year. It was introducing my “Wise Old Owl” series. When I got the critique back it seemed to suggest that I was writing to the wrong age group. A lady who has a lot more experience than I, told me I should do a picture books and that is how I submitted it. She didn’t like my ideas for the series but growing up in the Walt Disney era, I wasn’t ready to let it go. The lady who is doing my illustrations is a landscape artist and I think she is wonderful. It was my idea to teach life lessons to the children and to show that child who has grown up in the city just how fabulous the great outdoors can be. I am going to spend the summer getting my act together and if I can’t find a publisher who believes in me, I plan to send the manuscript to Amazon. I refuse to give up! Any creative suggestions, you can get in touch with me on facebook @ Author Linda Laughlin or email me at author.lindalaughlin@gmail.com. (Those who only want to be mean need not reply! )