Month: June 2017

“Fight For Your Life!” by Linda Laughlin is almost here!

A lot of you have been asking about book two. My editor and I have gone through the manuscript one last time, trying to make it the best it can be, and it’s now being set up in both ebook and paperback formats.  You should see “Fight For Your Life” in print sometime within the next month. I was proud of the first book, but as an author I think I have grown and book two shows just how much.

In this follow up to Run For Your Life! I take you back to visit the Burke family, but the real star is the old Burke Mine. Grandpa Burke left what he thought was a played out old mining claim to his  family, never dreaming that they would find something far more important down in it’s tunnels. Steve and Darrin fight  for a future and what they hold most dear, family; will they find another fortune while fighting for their life?  Come join them and  see Jeffery Randall, a truly evil man, finally get his due.

Be sure to look  for “Fight For Your Life!” by Linda Laughlin, available soon!!

Happy reading, Linda



How to Make a Chocolate Lover Happy

With all the last minute prep on the book, I haven’t had a lot of time to write on my blog. Instead, I thought I would share a favorite recipe with you. My mother-in-law was the sweetest person and a great cook, so I’m gifting you with the directions for her go to Chocolate Cookie Sheet Cake.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease an 11 X 16 X 1 inch cookie sheet pan.  Shift into a bowl… 2 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Stir to mix.

Bring to a boil and pour over dry mixture… 2 sticks of butter, 6 tablespoons of cocoa, and 1 cup of water.

Add…1/2 cup of buttermilk, 2 beaten eggs and 1 teaspoon of vanilla to mixture. Beat well, pour into cookie sheet pan and bake for 20 minutes.

Five minutes before the cake is done bring to a boil… 1 stick of butter, 4 tablespoons of milk or cream. Pour over one box of powdered sugar to which you have added 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Beat well and pour over cake while hot. If you like nuts add a cup of chopped pecans to the icing.

This is a great, moist cake, so curl up with a piece and a good book. Just don’t get crumbs between the pages!

Happy reading, Linda

Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall!

aka, No Publisher for Linda

I thought I had attracted the attention of a publisher, but it was simply not meant to be. She had a series of family emergencies and then seemingly disappeared off the map. After quite a few months without any contact from her in addition to numerous reader queries, I believe it is time to head back to San Diego and as Paul Harvey used to say, ‘the rest of the story’. I’m not particularly good at marketing, but I need to try since you have been so patiently waiting!

The publisher in question told me when we first met that I had a horrible cover for my first book; how I wish I had asked her to explain! Since a lot of the next book takes place in the desert of San Diego county, I’m thinking of simplifying this one and using a landscape of the area for it’s cover. If I give you a preview, will you tell me what you think? My editor and I are going back through the manuscript one last time as I write this, so you should see it in print soon.

So without further ado, here is the tentative first draft of my new cover. Feel free to leave a reply on this post, drop me a line through or on the form of my Contact page and tell me your opinion.


Happy reading, Linda



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