Well it is hard to get any further out in left field than I did last month. As an Indy published author, I have always dreamed of finding a publisher.  Remember that old saying, “be careful what you wish for”?  In the fall of 2018 I signed a contract with a publisher in Northwest Arkansas and have turned in the five manuscripts for a series of children’s books to be titled “The Wise Old Owl Series.”  The company put me in touch with a fantastic lady and together we edited the five manuscripts, but now comes the hard part!  I have never been blessed with a lot of patience and  waiting for an illustrator has been one of the hardest things you can imagine.  My daughter, who is the head of my cheering section, says use this time to write! Sound advice but all I can think of is how is Eric, the star of my first book “Eric Finds A Friend” going to look? Is he going to resemble the squirrel who plays in my back yard? Is the illustrator going to recognize my bluebird,  Nic Nic, as the grouchy little trouble maker with a heart of gold that I see?  Are they going to come to life like Bambi and Thumper of Walt Disney fame?  It does no good to tell myself to be patient and it is hard to write about “Spanish Gold ” when squirrels and bluebirds are racing around in my head. Part of being a writer means we can be dramatic, so stay tuned for the trials and tribulations of Linda and look for Eric and Nic Nic coming soon!


Happy reading,  Linda