About the Author: 

This is a Dark Legacy Novel by Jayne Ann Krentz. Miss Krentz is a  master of the suspense novel, throw in a little romance and you have a fun read. Whether you are reading her as Jayne Ann Krentz or Jane Castle you are in for a treat! 

About the book:

In “Dream Eyes” Gwen Frazier has a unique gift, she see ghosts. They appear in pools of water, mirrors, any reflective surface. She gets a message from her friend Evelyn Ballinger, but when she tries to return her call there is no answer. Gwen isn’t happy to be going back to the small town of Wilby, Oregon.The last time she was there two people died and one commuted suicide, but she must find out what happened to Evelyn. She arrives to find her friend dead and her ghost a little on the testy side, after all she is having a bad day, getting killed will do that to you! 

Enter Judson Coppersmith – he and Gwen had met at the engagement party of her best friend Abby and Judson’s brother, Sam. To say that sparks flew would be an understatement, but Gwen had ruined it all by offering to help Judson with his desturbing dreams. Judson has trust issues and you have to trust a person to let her into your dreams.  Bad dreams or not Judson can’t refuse to help Gwen when she contacts his family. 

Dream Eyes” draws you into the world of a psychic counselor and a family that not only believes in the paranormal but have family members with psychic talent. Watch as Judson learns to trust his special “Dream Eyes” and see them pool their abilities to catch a killer. 

You may not believe in the paranormal but you can believe that Miss Krentz writes a sizzling story full of mystery and romance.

Happy reading, Linda