Those of us who love to read have probably belonged to a book club. I have spent many an hour involved in a discussion of a most loved, maybe just liked, or couldn’t stand book. At one point I asked myself the question, “Do I want to continue to do this?” That question came after two or three of the “I can’t stand” books. 

the-thinkerI have come up with a new concept, study the author rather than the book. I started one book club with this thought in mind and it has been a lot of fun. My club has decided that a lot of authors write fantastic books that only get better as the author hones their skills. We have also decided that some of our favorite authors seem to be running out of ideas! When you read different stories by the same author it gives you a whole different outlook on their writing. 

Sherryl Woods is an author I like to read. Her story line is woven around small town life. I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma, but my town was not as interesting as Miss Woods’ towns. In her Chesapeake Shores books you feel like you get to know the whole town. The stories are all different but the small town feel is there. I would have loved to have a grandfather like Mick O’Brien, except when he was interfering in my love life. 

Robyn Carr is another one of those authors who introduce you to small town life. I searched my map trying to figure out the town in northern California she patterned the Virgin River Series after. I feel as if I know the whole town from her books and would move there in a minute if I could only find the town. Does that tell you I get too involved in the story line?  I love to read, it is like a disease that I hope no one finds a cure for.

   My favorite author of all time is Nora Roberts. She writes such varied story lines that you are sure to find something you like. One time it is a mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat and the next one weaves the folk stories of Ireland into the story line. That doesn’t count her stories penned as J.D. Robb where she writes a futuristic detective story.  Roarke and Dallas are my favorite couple.

   I am going to visit a lady after Thanksgiving who wants me to organize a book club for her book store. How much fun will that be? So if you like the idea of a club that studies the author instead of the book, I may have a club for you. I will give you all the information as soon as we work out the details. 

   As always,

   Happy reading, Linda