I had this idea that I thought was great at the time.  I had these cords for my phone, iPad and e-reader, but what to do with them? For a while, I stored them in a drawer and had to dig through the mess to find the right one. I went to the local hobby store and bought one of those boxes that looks like a book. You know the ones, they are hollowed out on the inside to put your keepsakes in.  I selected a book large enough to hold an electrical strip with a place to plug in several  devices.


Next, I bought a small power strip and checked out to make sure it didn’t get hot, then used double stick tape to secure it in the book where the spine  would have been. After cutting a large hole in the back where the plug  was to exit, I had completed step one.  Three smaller holes and I was ready to  plug my devices in. ( Note: you may want to turn the strip off when not charging something!) I now had a charging station where I could charge my devices and hide the cords at the same time.


This was where my daughter came along and burst my artistic bubble.

“What if we get a power surge and the box catches on fire?” She said.

“Isn’t that what the surge protector inside the power stripe is for?” I ask.

“You know you could get a empty cookie tin and not have that problem?” she told me.

” But I am a writer and I want a book! ” I argued.



Disclaimer:  No one under 18 years old should try this.  No one over 18 should try this unless you are of sound mind. (Apparently I am not because I am keeping the book!)

Now you know the pros and cons, are you going to make one?

Happy reading, Linda