Image result for photos of santa claus in real life

It was a little after 2 o’clock in the afternoon and the parking lot of a small Mexican Restaurant was almost empty.  I went inside and ask for a table for one. After I was seated I happened to notice setting two tables down was a man, woman and four children. It was then I noticed the second man setting with the family. A little old man with long white hair and a beard; I knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick, as the poem goes.  He had on blue jeans, sneakers and a red Philadelphia Baseball Jersey.   Well you can’t have everything just right. My first thought was “I didn’t know Santa liked Mexican Food.” and my second thought was “if I go over and ask to interview him will they call the police?” Worse yet, they might call the men with the white coats.

Being a writer, I know I have more than my share of curiosity and imagination. I would love to follow this man around for a few hours. Would the little ones even notice him? It is almost Easter and maybe they are saving all their thoughts for the Easter Bunny.  Do they look at him and like me, imagine that he could be old Saint Nick? Children can be so open and honest, would they approach him and ask questions? Wouldn’t it be fun to find out?

It wasn’t long before the family finished eating and left the restaurant. I noticed Santa paid the check. On my way out I told the cashier that I didn’t know Santa ate here. She looked at me and smiled. Did she understand English or did she think I was a crazy old lady on leave from the loony bin?  Was it really Santa and if so where was Mrs. Claus?

Happy reading, Linda