Category: Books (Page 1 of 6)

Book Signing!!

There are so few independent book stores. Bookish at 63 South 6th Street in Fort Smith, Arkansas has invited me to do a book signing! They are featuring my children’s book, “How Wise Old Owl Got His Name”! Please come join me, 12:30 until 4 o’clock on Saturday, December 16th. I hope to see you there!

My First Storytime!

I spent part of the morning at the Van Buren Public Library. Madison Swaim, the children’s librarian invited me to read “How Wise Old Owl Got His Name” to the children. I had so much fun and I hope the children did as well! Please, take the time to read to the special child in your life.

New Children’s Book

My first children’s book, How Wise Old Owl Got His Name was released on August 1st. Illustrations are by Sandra Difazio, a Michigan landscape artist. I am pleased to be working with Sandra. Look for the second in the Wise Old Owl Series to be released in 2024. You can find the book on Amazon or at your favorite bookstore.

“I am back!”

I am dreaming of writing children’s books.

At one time I had a contract with a publisher in Northwest Arkansas to write a series of children’s books. Then along came the pandemic and he decided to give my contract back to me. “Why take a chance on a new author?” I found a landscape artist to help me and I have a book ready for print. I am thinking of stories in the Walt Disney style, life lessons starting with Hector, the owl. Hector was born with an insatiable curiosity. He wants to know all about the animals and the forest they live in.

You can meet the bear who cried fire! (Sounds a little like another story we read!) A Bluebird and squirrel who share a special friendship, a rabbit with a taste for sugarcane, and a pair of wolf cubs who learn the meaning of family.

Next comes the $100,000 question. Do I need an agent or a publisher? The answer is, ” I need someone who believes in me!” I have six stories ready to go, so if there is someone out there who wants a children’s author, Here I Am!!!

Hector was different! He realized that he didn’t need to be like the other owls. Hector had finally found his place in the world. The whole forest would be his home. He enjoyed learning about the land and sharing his knowledge with the other animals. 
More and more as time passed the other animals came to Hector for advice whenever they had a problem.  His life was an adventure and he loved the place he had made for himself.  Soon the forest animals begin to honor Hector with a very special title! He became known far and wide as the “Wise Old Owl!”

Wildlife, A Crazy Lady, and Her Favorite Drink!

I want to share a story with you. Some time ago, I saw a wildlife documentary, and this beautiful bird had the plastic that holds soft drank bottles together, stuck around his neck. His head was through one of the loops and it looked like it was snug, and the rest of the plastic was dragging behind him. It dawned on me that someday that bird was going to get one of the trailing loops caught on something and if he wasn’t able to break loose, he would die from lack of food and water or be killed by a preditor.

duck wild winter

This picture made such an impression on me that I started to keep a pair of scissors on my kitchen counter. When I bought a six-pack of cola or juice I took the scissors and clipped each circle so nothing could get caught in the plastic! I have thought over the years how foolish this habit is. One person cannot possibly make a difference, but still, I cut the drink holders apart before dropping them in the trash.

I hear about social influencers, and how they get their followers to help with certain projects. They get people to come out and rally for certain causes. They boycott businesses that pollute our environment and share posts on Facebook! This brings up a question, could one crazy lady get the world to start clipping the plastic that holds soft drink containers together? Let’s give it a try. Copy and post this story, then take a pair of scissors to your kitchen and hang them next to the trash can. Do your part to protect the wildlife!

I sent in a story!

A very young Hector!

In a tree, deep in the forest, four baby owls hatched to Mother and Father Owl. From the very beginning, Hector was the most curious of the baby owls.

I sent in a story to the Oklahoma Writers Ass. contest this year. It was introducing my “Wise Old Owl” series. When I got the critique back it seemed to suggest that I was writing to the wrong age group. A lady who has a lot more experience than I, told me I should do a picture books and that is how I submitted it. She didn’t like my ideas for the series but growing up in the Walt Disney era, I wasn’t ready to let it go. The lady who is doing my illustrations is a landscape artist and I think she is wonderful. It was my idea to teach life lessons to the children and to show that child who has grown up in the city just how fabulous the great outdoors can be. I am going to spend the summer getting my act together and if I can’t find a publisher who believes in me, I plan to send the manuscript to Amazon. I refuse to give up! Any creative suggestions, you can get in touch with me on facebook @ Author Linda Laughlin or email me at (Those who only want to be mean need not reply! )

Something to think about!

I watched a documentary today. It was on the Nez Perce Indians. Apparently at one time they had an outstanding breed of horses and they were known for their horsemanship. It seems that after a battle with the United States Calvary, as part of their punishment the government took away all of their horses. In this documentary they were showing how the Nez Perce people are building back their herd of horses, reviving a part of their history. One of the men who is helping them to register and build back the herd is of Navajo heritage.  Apparently, this man’s love of horses drew him from Arizona to the northern part of the United States. I thought it was interesting because some of the Indian people were very against allowing him to help with their breeding program. They claimed he was a Navajo; all he knew about was raising sheep. Who knew that there are raciest everywhere? Now the reason for me telling you this story is that there was a young man in the tribe and he made a comment that I found very informative. “My people need to get over it! It was some turning against our own race that divided the Indians and that was how we lost our land to the government.” Does this young man make you stop and think?

We are burning flags, tearing down statues, all the while trying to erase our history. Something in the back of my mind has always told me this was wrong. Our history is part of who we are. I think that young Indian man had a point. His history had a lesson to share. We can erase all outward signs of our own history, but is that wise? Does that mean that we repeat the same stupid mistakes from our past? Maybe what we need to do is embrace our history, the good and the bad. We should learn not to repeat the bad, because it didn’t work out for us in the past. Today it was a story about the American Indians. Last week it was asking people to stand up against violence against the elderly, in the Asian community. The week before that it was marches for Black Lives Matter. Wake up everyone! The United States is a melting pot and that was a lesson from my history teachers. One of these days we’re going to look at each other and not be able to tell which nationality we came from, is it going to be harder to decide who to hate then? Be kind to your elderly neighbors, whether they are black, white, or brown. All lives matter! There are only two kinds of people, good and bad! History has a lot to teach us if we are willing to learn . It is not our enemy!

white ceramic mug near black-framed eyeglasses

America, land of the free, home of the brave!

Land of the free, home of the brave! / I don’t think so!
We are now home of the politically correct! We are afraid to speak, afraid we will stir up a controversy.  I am a seventy-five old woman so I have seen a lot of history lived out in my lifetime. I personally think you should learn from history, no matter how painful, instead of tearing down statues and trying to blot it out of existence.

   When I first learned to read the newspaper, they were required to have at least three sources or they could not print a story. Now they just print it, with no regard to whether it is true or false. They even go as far as to tell you how you should feel. The first time I remember the press going after someone, it was Gary Hart, Democratic Senator from Colorado. He was running for president and was suspected of having a mistress. Everyone thought JFK had mistresses, but he was otherwise respected, so nothing came from that knowledge. Sen. Hart practically dared the press to prove their allegations were true and they did. I still remember the pictures, splashed across all the magazines and newspapers, of him on board a yacht with this woman, who was not his wife, sitting on his lap.  Suddenly the press had a license to hunt and pollical candidates were their prey. I still have enormous respect for Doctor Ben Carson. He backed out of running for president when the press went after his family but that is another story.  Amy Carter was very young when her father was elected President. The Carters begged the press to make Amy off liements and mostly they complied, but that sure hasn’t helped the children of other Presidents.

   Going back to the topic of being Politically correct, I have a question. Why can black Americans, call other black Americans words, that I as a white woman am not even supposed to think?  They claim it is alright to call each other Ho and N—- because they know they are kidding. I don’t think so! Why is there a double standard? If you want respect then clean up your speech before you condemn others for theirs. Quit holding your past over our heads like a hatchet. I as an Irish American, had family come over as indentured servants. They might as well have been slaves during the period of their indenture. Get over it and get on with your life! Be kind! There are only two kinds of people, good and bad, and that has nothing to do with the color of your skin.

Now to everyone’s whipping boy, President Trump. We wanted a business man, not a politician and that is what we got. He never learned to be politically correct. He opens his mouth and inserts he foot on a regular basses, something I am very good at. He has ran our country like a business and I am sure it scared the heck out of some other countries, including China. He is not responsible for the C virus. Whether by accident or on purpose, that came from China. Let’s face it, if someone wanted to wipe out one third of the world then the C virus has done a pretty good job. When the middle east was fighting over oil prices and a barrel of oil got lower than we could produce in this country, President Trump bought enough cheap oil to fill our reserves. Before the C virus we had a thriving economy, because we elected a business man.

Joe Biden was the source of my anger over a remark that he made last week.  “I am for the little people, not the stock market,” he said.   I grew up in Oklahoma and lived most of my adult life in Arkansas where the majority of people make something just above the minimum wage, so I feel like I represent the little people.  I care about the stock market. A healthy market means healthy businesses. It means although I have a very small nest egg it will continue to grow. Gone are the days when you could put your savings in a secure CD. Now if you want your retirement to grow you have very few choices other than the stock market. Biden has the distinction of being the sixth youngest senator to serve in the Senate. He was the senator from Delaware from 1973 to 2009, then Vice President for two terms. They lead and he follows, definitely not a business man.  According to the internet as a retired senator he makes somewhere around $139,000 a year, and as a retired Vice President he makes somewhere around $149,000. I didn’t check to see what he would earn as President. He doesn’t need to care about the stock market, or social security or health insurance, and I for one am not convinced he cares about the people. He is a career Politician!

If Biden proves unable to fulfill his duties as president, then Harris becomes President. If Pelosi wins and is the Majority leader then she steps up as Vice President. 
Be careful what you wish for!!!

Thank you for listening to this Politicly incorrect old lady!
May God Bless America!

A Little Bit Irish!

aerial photography of body of water hitting mountain

I have Irish branches sprinkled in my family tree. Several years ago, I found an Irish blessing written by Robert A Ward. I thought it was so beautiful, that I made a copy! I found it today, when I was cleaning my office. In a world turned upside down, I wanted to share it with you!

I wish you humor and a twinkle in the eye…I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. I wish you peace…in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner of the heart where truth is kept. I wish you faith…to help define your living and your life. More I cannot wish you…except perhaps love…to make all of the rest worthwhile.
Happy reading,

Open Mouth, Insert Foot!


The art of being politically correct has never been my forte! I have always thought that my mouth ran about five minutes ahead of my brain. It’s when you say something and five minutes later you think, “I shouldn’t have said that!” I find I am still that person who continually says the wrong thing. At least one good thing has come from the virus lock-down! When you are in solitary confinement, it is hard to say something you shouldn’t! I have found that my friends and family like me much better when I am not around.

I always imagined myself as Auntie Mame, like from the Broadway Musical, but I never had the flare she did! I thought maybe I would mellow with age, but no such luck and so I write and edit out the mistakes. In writing I can control the plot and make the story come out as I see it happening in my imagination.

Please everyone, take care of yourself! I have a friend who had this virus and is having a hard time bouncing back. The virus is real and it effects everyone differently. Don’t take a chance, and stay healthy!

Happy reading,


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