I am dreaming of writing children’s books.

At one time I had a contract with a publisher in Northwest Arkansas to write a series of children’s books. Then along came the pandemic and he decided to give my contract back to me. “Why take a chance on a new author?” I found a landscape artist to help me and I have a book ready for print. I am thinking of stories in the Walt Disney style, life lessons starting with Hector, the owl. Hector was born with an insatiable curiosity. He wants to know all about the animals and the forest they live in.

You can meet the bear who cried fire! (Sounds a little like another story we read!) A Bluebird and squirrel who share a special friendship, a rabbit with a taste for sugarcane, and a pair of wolf cubs who learn the meaning of family.

Next comes the $100,000 question. Do I need an agent or a publisher? The answer is, ” I need someone who believes in me!” I have six stories ready to go, so if there is someone out there who wants a children’s author, Here I Am!!!

Hector was different! He realized that he didn’t need to be like the other owls. Hector had finally found his place in the world. The whole forest would be his home. He enjoyed learning about the land and sharing his knowledge with the other animals. 
More and more as time passed the other animals came to Hector for advice whenever they had a problem.  His life was an adventure and he loved the place he had made for himself.  Soon the forest animals begin to honor Hector with a very special title! He became known far and wide as the “Wise Old Owl!”