You don’t have to do it to write about it!

I was recently discussing my first book with a lady that had just finished it. She was interested in the part about tagging Green Sea Turtles. When I was writing this book I interviewed a lady who had just moved here from San Diego. She was telling me about a group she had read about who were  quite territorial about the sea turtles.  She talked about them tagging and spending a lot of time protecting them from thoughtless tourist.  This fascinated me as I was a big fan of Jacques Cousteau so I started researching.  I found some videos on YouTube and after a lot of research I had Steve take Leah  out in the bay to tag these magnificent creatures.  What do you think? Can you tell the story was only in my imagination? If you want to read about Steve and Leah’s adventure it starts on page 118 of “Run For Your Life!” by Linda Laughlin.

Happy reading, Linda


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